Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Due to the graphic nature of this post, reader discretion is advised

Someone please tell me how it is possible to bleed profusely for more than a week without...
a) dying
b) depleting your entire blood supply
c) killing someone?


Yeah, I haven't figured that out yet. Apparently, my doctor thinks I'm overreacting when I told her how much pain I have when Aunt Flo decides to visit for TEN DAYS. I should make an appointment with her today just to punch her in her face and then demand pain killers because Midol is like popping Cheerios... minus the cheer.

1 comment:

statia said...

Funny, I never found anything Cheery about Cheerios.

Now maybe if you put some vodka on them....

Seriously, find yourself a new doctor. Where the hell are you finding these doctors anyway? WalMart?