Thursday, January 10, 2008

That's just... inppropriate

I had the easiest day at work today. I must admit, sometimes its great, and other times we have so many suicidal and loony patients that it makes the day crawl by. The worst is on the weekends, when I'm forced to work evening shifts. It goes one way or the other; its either quiet and boring, or the shit hits the fan and everyone freaks out. I have yet to figure out why it happens that way, but I will let you know as soon as I figure it out.
As a part of therapy, we drive patients out into the "real world" to do their exposures to have them face what they are afraid of when we're not able to provide it on the unit. Today I went to Barnes and Noble and sat there for an hour and a half with a grande non-fat vanilla latte and Augusten Burroughs's new book, Possible Side Effects. I sat there by myself while my patient did his thing and tried not to look mental myself. I got to one chapter where he talked about a dog he had while he was in the midst of being a raging alcoholic who he named KittyKitty, which is really humorous all in itself.
Have you ever had a fit of uncontrollable laughter at the most inappropriate time? Yeah, that was me today. Surrounded by strangers, trying to look all normal and shit, and laughing my ass off... uncontrollably. I'm talking loud bursts of laughter that included snorts and heaves. I don't know what got to me, but I found the chapter absolutely hilarious and I was unable to stop. Thankfully my patient didn't come up to check in with me during my fit of laughter, but it would have been funny nonetheless... me sitting there having a ball while he's in the midst of his anxiety trying not to freak out. I love that I can pop an ativan before I go do those things and watch people sit with their anxiety until it comes down on its own. Silly patients.

1 comment:

Willow said...

There's a fine line between patient and caregiver sometimes. LOL!

I always wanted to be a psych. Now I know I make a better psycho.